Too frequently the small business owner moves from one short-term focus to the next paying little attention to the mid or long term goals and strategies that are real “force multipliers” to increase sales, lower risk, retain the best employees … Continue reading
For many businesses, pricing their goods and services is a challenge. There are lots of truths and myths surrounding the pricing discussion. Truths like, “A price is a promise” or myths like “a higher price equals more value.” It pays … Continue reading
Time, more than any other asset including cash, is critical to the success of your business. How you use your time spells the difference between success and failure. Businesses that grow organically routinely turn time into cash flow. Businesses that … Continue reading
I am working with Peter, a client that is planning to launch his new business. Of course he is focused on success, growth and profitability. However, his products are specifically designed to be family-friendly and wholesome. Like many enlightened business … Continue reading
At MGG Consulting we spend the better part of our days “thinking in advance” on behalf of our start-up and small business clients. Most of this business planning involves a significant number of assumptions that may or may not prove … Continue reading
MGG Consulting (MGG) helps a lot of diverse start-ups. Many of these stary-ups require seed funding since their value proposition requires initial funding that is beyond their financial means. Having or not having the financial where with all does … Continue reading
For start-ups, nothing is more effective than face-to-face networking when trying to raise new business. When I started my business, my customer list grew from zero to twenty-two in the first 3 years. In the fourth year, after I focused … Continue reading
B2B Loves “Revenue Speak” When you “think” and “speak revenue”, sales transactions are easier. Not all businesses sell products or services that generate revenue, but if yours does, listen up. When planning a new or expanding an existing business, “speaking … Continue reading